Monday, January 8, 2024

Scattered Snow Upcoming


Scattered snow to affect the area starting tomorrow, potential cold on the horizon. 


There is a developing storm currently bringing snow to the Great Plains, and another system causing effects in the Pacific Northwest. There is currently a high pressure system over Utah. 

Short term:

Model runs show that the system will move inland and produce snowfall in our area over the next few days. Around 10 inches of snow can be expected in the mountains from now until Wednesday morning. Further snowfall is expected after this time. 

Long term:

A massive dip in the jet stream caused from a blizzard forecast to hit the Midwest will usher in the coldest air of the season. Record lows could be broken across the Central United States. It looks like the bulk of this cold air will miss Utah, causing temperatures to be cold but not record breaking. This is worth watching as the week progresses.  

Backcountry comments:

If you will be traveling in the backcountry make sure you have the proper equipment and know before you go. For the whole avalanche forecast and all things avalanche head over to our friends at the Utah Avalanche Center.

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