Saturday, January 6, 2024

Snowy week ahead


More snow expected throughout the upcoming week, including more snow over the weekend. Yesterday was just a tease for what is to come.


The past 24 hours have seen a snowfall of 9 inches at Alta. For the rest of today, expect mostly cloudy skies with a high just above freezing until the evening, when a trough is expected to bring additional snow to Utah. I feel like it's safe to call this storm the official start of the winter season here in Utah.

Short term:

We have a Winter Storm Watch issued for tonight into Sunday throughout Utah. 4-6 inches expected along Wasatch Front, with anywhere from 6-18 inches expected in the mountains.

As the winter storm approaches, wind speeds will increase that will cause blowing snow conditions. Due to this, visibility could drop rapidly. If you're going to be driving anywhere, especially through the canyons, make sure to pack an emergency kit and supplies. This incoming trough won't be the only one arriving, as there are more forecasted throughout the week.

Long term:

As the trough exits Utah on Monday, some snow showers might still linger over the area. However, a ridge will build over Utah giving some calm weather. That ridge won't last long though, as a trough is expected to bring additional snow towards Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday will be a big day for snowfall, as the trough from Tuesday fully reaches Utah bringing several inches of snow and lingering into Thursday. It's hard to determine how much snow will come from this trough currently, but we will keep y'all updated! After this initial trough, lingering snow showers are expected through Saturday, when another trough hits. We're in for a snowy week, which is amazing for both skiing and for the snowpack. 

Backcountry comments:

If you will be traveling in the backcountry make sure you have the proper equipment and know before you go. For the whole avalanche forecast and all things avalanche head over to our friends at the Utah Avalanche Center.


Aspen Marshall

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